As of Monday July 10th… Salinas will be a memory… a place I lived but am not currently living in. It will be, quite literally,  in the rear view mirror as we drive up to our new home… Portland, Oregon. Judy, Mouse and I will wheel it on up with a loaded car full of plants, pantry items (and some art supplies) and lots of stories and good times to recall. Drive time: Twelve hours-ish.

Cartoons here and on Squid Row are loaded until the first week of August. So, hopefully, there won’t be a gap in the cartoon stream as I hope to get the house situated along with the new downstairs office… I will do my best to get things up and running as quickly as possible… but forgive me if there is a break in the action. I will let you know, of course.

Too, I will also do my bestest to get the Art-o-rama zine out on time. I wish I could promise… but who knows what will happen on this wonderful new adventure! (*photo is a dahlia from our now former garden… I will be leaving it behind…I shall plant some in Portland).