Everybody likes to get something extra… and so for giggles… I’m posting an extra cartoon next week on Saturday… Yay! So come back on Saturday to see the extra bonus toon!
The Labor Day Weekend was a working one for Squid Row Comics. It started with First Friday in Salinas… with the tent and the stuff… Saturday, I spent making buttons, and doing commissions… and then on Sunday, my Minions drove us up to Golden Gate Park, where I tabled at Zine Fest. Said Minions opted to explore the Science Museum and Botanical Gardens… I’m glad they had fun doing so… Minions need to have fun, or they become unwilling Minions and revolt!
So I set out my wares, 18 issues of Art-o-rama and some Squid Row books and the hand-drawn original buttons that always sell well. My next-door booth mate, A.D. Puchalski was from New Jersey… and was interesting to talk with. We shared our love of kittehs, Stuffties, and coffee. It was a good match. Harold and A.D.’s unicorn both had the day off… it’s hard work, being a Stufftie.
ZineFest was a good venue… especially for people watching… I have never seen such an event where the people were so peculiar-interesting-bizarre-odd looking. I did some serious sketching between sales… which were moderate. Overall, the event was fun, despite the heat in the building and the trek up to The City.
September is shaping up to be a ridiculously busy month! Starting off… First Friday Artwalk in Oldtown Salinas. I will be “Popping Up”… meaning that I will have my Event Tent up with a table full of Squid Row/R&R stuff for sale… 200 block of Main Street, from 5-8:30-ish. New buttons, art, some zines…
Speaking of Zines… I’ll be in San Francisco on Saturday tabling at the SF ZineFest… details below.
West End really was a kick this year! Kettle Corn smells, Kai Lee Creamery ice cream tasting awesome, Harold stealing swigs from Judy’s organic cider… And we enjoyed talking and visiting with all who dropped by! Thanks! What’s next for Squid Row Comics? The San Francisco Zine Fest on Sept 6th … in Golden Gate Park. Here’s a few pics from this weekend’s event…
- Hickory
- Me and Judy Goofing
- Judy and Harold goofing
- sketch card!
- Buttons galore!
- Andrew and the Stufftie
- Harold and Kenji’s ladies
- Me and Harold
- Sunny! … and his art card